Traveling Children’s Theatre “The Stromer” 

What we did: Corporate Identity and Logo Design, Web Concept, Design of the Visual Language and all Implementation, Photography   

The Stromers are a mobile theater group from Darmstadt, Germany. Their plays are captivating and humorous stories, which are staged very vividly, with attention to detail, and accompanied by great music.

The Stromer Dog

A wandering four-legged friend — cosmopolitan, at home in many places, clever, relentless, and amusing.

obese female fairy in purple silk dress and way too big glasses and diadem in front of purple background, while top right a male fairy flies through the picture

The Stromer Dogs

When we developed the corporate Identity, including the Stromer dogs, we wanted the corporate image to achieve a high recognition value. Before we started to develop the logo series, we discussed what the group wanted the logo to represent. We wrote down values, characteristics, and goals that are important to the ensemble. This information helped us identify appropriate images, symbols, and colors. Just like the traveling theater itself, the leading symbol, the Stromer dog, also is a stray. S/he travels around, transforms and always slips into the role of the respective theatrical piece. Thus, the logo works like a playful individual and modular system, which can be adapted for all plays.

We are a Full Service Provider

For the theater group we presented the entire corporate design department: The ensemble entrusted us with all corporate efforts, from logo and image development to the web concept and all print products such as postcards, flyers, tickets, posters and textile printing. 
three grinning faces: a female fairy, a male fairy and a blue made up monster

Check out our other projects:  


Hansel, Gretel, a nd the patrol car

image film against domestic violence  

gif of the momentum postcards, a campaign for feg (freie evangelische gemeinde seeheim-jugenheim, meaning free evangelical church seeheim-jugenheim), colorful font on colorful cloudy sky

FEG Seeheim-Jugenheim

CI and print campaign 


Lucid Dreaming

web series pilot

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